Determine which Items in a Group have Changed Configuration

A Group, Group Template, or Group Instance's Configuration Change Group CRC value changes whenever that group's configuration, or the configuration of any items in that group or any sub-groups, changes (see Understand Configuration Change CRCs).

To determine which item(s) or sub-group(s) contain configuration changes within that Group, Group Template, or Group Instance, we recommend that you check the Configuration Change CRC values of the item's and sub-groups in hierarchical order. Alternatively, you might opt to write a program that stores a list of CRC values along with an outline of your database structure. You could then use that program to automatically compare the CRC values of the items in the group with those of the same items in your 'live' system, to determine which CRC values have changed.

If the configuration changes that have been made are only at a group level, the Configuration Change CRC values of the items and sub-groups will remain unchanged.

If a database item has been moved to a different location in the database, but the item still retains the same name, its Configuration Change CRC value may remain unchanged. The CRC value will remain unchanged providing that the following criteria apply:

The moved item's full name will have changed because of the move, and as such, the Configuration Change Group CRC value will have changed for the group in which the moved item is now located. Likewise, the Configuration Change Group CRC values of any groups in which that group is nested will also have changed, including the Configuration Change Group CRC value of the root group. The Configuration Change Group CRC value will also have changed for the group and any sub-groups from which the database item was moved.

Further Information

The difference between an item's name and full name: see Full Name in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to ViewX and Virtual ViewX Clients.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021