Other Tables

In addition to the standard tables, the Database Schema includes a set of tables that are not associated with specific classes. You can use these tables to display a range of useful information from the database.

Query Processor Tables

In addition to the tables listed above, some drivers support driver-specific Query Processor tables. The relevant driver-specific guides include information about those particular Query Processor tables.

Historic Tables

Always restrict the amount of data that you query in a historic table. This will help to reduce any adverse affects on the communications on your system, caused by a query attempting to retrieve large amounts of historic data from the server.

When restricting a query by time, use the RecordTime field in a historic table, rather than the Time field (as 'Time' is a reserved word in SQL).

Metadata Tables

Further Information

You can use the Geo SCADA Expert Database Schema to display a list of the available tables (see Working with the Database Schema).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021