
Associated with: Output points and pulse actions

Use this pick action to control the device that is represented by an output point or pulse action. (Be aware that with points on simple drivers, you typically have to enable the features on the configuration Form’s Control tab, in order for that point to become an output point.)

The Control pick action is available on a point or pulse action providing that:

Select the Control pick action to display the Control window.

Specify the required value in the Value field. Depending on the type of point, you may be offered a combo list of point values, or need to specify a value within a particular range. The range or values from which you can choose are determined by the point’s configuration.

Depending on the type of point, Geo SCADA Expert will attempt to execute either a ‘maintained’ control (via an output point), or a ‘pulsed’ control (via a pulse action). A maintained control upholds the new point state until it is altered by a further control. A pulsed control changes the state of a point for a defined period of time (as specified on the Pulse Action Form). (Some pulse actions also support ‘inching’, whereby you specify the time period for which to control the device when you trigger the Inching, rather than the Control, pick action.)

With points on PSTN or ‘On Demand’ outstations, the Control window may display a Queue check box. Use the check box to indicate whether Geo SCADA Expert is to perform the request immediately, or queue the request if Geo SCADA Expert is not currently in communications with the outstation (see Queue Check Box).

The Point Action system color indicates that an action, such as a control, is currently in progress on a point or pulse action.

The Control Alarm status attribute indicates the success, or otherwise, of the point’s last control request.

Be aware that triggering a Control action on a point on a PSTN outstation will result in Geo SCADA Expert executing a One Shot call to that outstation (the call might be postponed if the pick action request is queued). When a One Shot is triggered, Geo SCADA Expert will establish communications with the outstation and then perform the requested control. Once the control has completed, Geo SCADA Expert will perform a normal data poll sequence on the outstation, before ending the call. If the line is already open—for instance as the result of an Open Line request—Geo SCADA Expert will send the control straight away (as communications are already established).

Also see Cancel Control.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021