Welcome to the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Drivers

Welcome to the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Drivers. Geo SCADA Expert is a feature-rich expandable SCADA system. It comprises ‘core’ software that provides the core server-client functionality and ‘driver’ software that enables Geo SCADA Expert to interface with third-party hardware and software using a wide range of protocols.

For each device with which you want Geo SCADA Expert to communicate using a specific protocol, you need to install the relevant driver.

Intended Audience

The information in this guide is intended for users that need to perform any of the following tasks:

The guide also describes the various pick actions and status attributes that are supported by many of the drivers.

Document Scope

This guide provides general information about the types of driver that you can install with Geo SCADA Expert. It explains the basic driver components and describes the types of communications that Geo SCADA Expert supports. Information is provided on how to install the drivers and configure the connection properties that enable Geo SCADA Expert to communicate with devices using those drivers.

This section summarizes the Types of Driver that you can install on a Geo SCADA Expert system and explains to which guides you should refer for information on those drivers.

It also provides information on the Driver Components you might need to configure in order to represent the devices on your system, and explains the type of communications your system might use (see Master-Slave Communications, and see Direct and PSTN Communications).

For more information, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021