The TRANSLATE function returns the application dictionary translation for a string expression in the current user locale. The function is intended for use with either type of Translation Dictionary.

Function Name



Returns the application dictionary translation for a string expression in the current user locale.




  • STRING is the string expression for which an exact entry has to exist in the custom Translation Dictionary that has been set up for your system.
  • You enclose the string within single quotation marks if it is a string literal. For more information, see String.
  • The string has to begin with the @ symbol (to denote that the string is to be translated, using the relevant entry in the Translation Dictionary).


The function returns the translation of the expression, as it exists in the Translation Dictionary that is used on your system. The user's Locale setting, configured for the User Account in Geo SCADA Expert, determines the target language of the translation.

The expression will return the string untranslated if:

  • Your system does not have a Translation Dictionary set up
  • The Translation Dictionary does not include an entry for this particular string.


With the following example, a Translation Dictionary has been set up to include French translations. In the Translation Dictionary, the English string 'High' is configured to have the French equivalent of 'Haut'. The account of the user that is logged on to Geo SCADA Expert is configured to have a French Locale. When the following expression is evaluated, it returns the translation 'Haut':



Geo SCADA Expert 2021