
Associated with: Tables other than Historic Views or Historic Forecasts; optional for Data Tables

Include the Foreground field in a List’s SELECT Clause if you want each record’s foreground color to change depending on the item’s status. Standard Queries Lists, Historic Lists, and Events Lists include the Foreground field by default (see The Color of Entries in a List other than the Alarms List).

If the Foreground field is not included in the SELECT Clause, the workstation’s Windows® settings determine the foreground color of the List’s entries (typically black text).

(To ascertain whether Foreground is used in a particular Data Table, look at the Attributes of the fields in that table (see Specify the Field Properties in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration.)

You can also assign Foreground color aliases to other fields, in order to produce Lists in Which only the Entries in Particular Columns Change Color.

Also see Blink, and see Background.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021