Define the Interval Settings for a Logic Program

Logic programs have several Interval settings that can be used when the Execution Method is set to On Interval (see Define the Execution Method for a Logic Program). They allow you to define the time of a Logic program’s 'first' timed execution or value check, and how often subsequent timed executions and value checks take place.

The Interval settings are:

To change the Interval, Interval Offset, or Interval Offset Time Zone of a Logic program, display the Logic Program Form, select the Logic tab, then configure the relevant fields in the Execution section of the tab.

For a more detailed review of Logic Execution, see the Geo SCADA Expert Knowledge Base.

Further Information

Display the Logic Program Form: see Configure an ST Program, Ladder Diagram, SFC or FBD.

Time Zone Support in Geo SCADA Expert.

Using OPC Time Formats.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021