Define the Priority of a Logic Program

Each Logic program has a Priority setting that you can use to define whether the program is executed in preference to other programs that are scheduled to execute at the same time.

Geo SCADA Expert executes one Logic program at a time. If more than one Logic program is scheduled to occur at the same time, Geo SCADA Expert executes the program that has the lowest Priority number first. This means that by defining a range of different Priority numbers for your Logic programs, you can prioritize all (or a selected few) of your programs.

If multiple Logic programs with the same Priority setting are scheduled to occur at the same time, Geo SCADA Expert execute them in according to the queue time. The program that has been queued for the longest amount of time is executed first, and the program that has been queued for the least amount of time is executed last.

Logic programs have a Priority of 0 by default. Programs with 0 Priority are executed first, followed by programs with 1 Priority, and then programs with 2 Priority and so on.

To change the Priority of a Logic program, display the Logic Program Form, select the Logic tab, then enter an appropriate number in the Priority field. Remember that Logic programs with the lowest numbers are executed in preference to those with higher numbers.

Further Information

Display the Logic Program Form: see Configure an ST Program, Ladder Diagram, SFC or FBD.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021