OPC Properties for Logic Programs

Logic programs are represented in the Geo SCADA Expert database by database items. Like other database items, Logic programs have properties that can be accessed via OPC.

To view the properties for a Logic program:

  1. Display the OPC Data Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar in ViewX in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to ViewX and Virtual ViewX Clients).
  2. Expand the System icon, then expand the Root Group.
  3. Expand the hierarchy until you locate the required Logic program.
  4. Expand the program to reveal its tags. Each tag represents a property (and the value that is stored for that property) of the Logic program. Further tags are located within the Config tag.
  5. Position the cursor over any of the tags to display a brief description of the tag in a ToolTip.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021