Animating Textboxes to show Values

You can animate the Format, Text, and Value properties to allow a text box to display values or text strings. The three properties have different purposes:

To see how the Format, Text, and Value animations work:

  1. Create a text box on a Mimic.
  2. Access the animations window for the text box.
  3. Enter the following expression for the Format property:


    This expression specifies that any animated value that is shown in the text box uses three decimal places.

  4. Animate the Text property so that it is associated with the CurrentValue property of an internal analog point.
  5. Close the animations window and display the Mimic in Run Mode.
  6. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar).
  7. In the Database Bar, right-click on the analog point that is used to animate the Text property, then select the Hand Control option.
    The Hand Control window is displayed.
  8. Hand Control the point value so that it is 5.65890068

    On the Mimic, the text box shows 5.65890068, as the text box has its Text property animated to show the value of the point. The Text property does not use the formatting settings (as defined in the expression for the Format property) and so shows the hand controlled value in full.

  9. Display the Mimic in Design Mode.
  10. Access the Animations window for the text box.
  11. Select the Text property.
  12. Select the Clear button to remove the Text animation.
  13. Animate the Value property so that it is associated with the CurrentValue property of the internal analog point that was previously associated with the Text property.
  14. Close the Animations window and display the Mimic in Run Mode.

    The text box displays 5.659 as the 3 decimal places formatting that is defined by the Format animation is applied to the Value animation.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021