
The Blink property is used to define whether the flash feature is on or off for the selected Mimic object.

The expression for the Blink property needs to equal TRUE for the flash feature to be on, and it has to equal FALSE for it to be off.

You can enter True or False as the expression, or you can use a more complex expression that returns a True or False answer. For example, if a Mimic object is to flash only when a specific 1 bit digital point is in state 1, you would need to enter the following as the expression for the Blink property of the Mimic object:

"<path and name of point>.CurrentState" = 1

Where <path and name of point> is the location and name of the point in the database. Do not enter the angle brackets < >.

CurrentState is the name of the point property that is used to animate the Mimic object's Blink property.

The final part of the expression defines that if the CurrentState value of the point is 1, then the result of the expression is TRUE and so the Blink is on. If the CurrentState is not 1, the result of the expression is FALSE and the Blink is off.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021