Creating a Hyperlink to a Schedule

You can create hyperlinks to a schedules as required. When the hyperlink is selected, the graphical display for the schedule is displayed. (You can also create hyperlinks to the Forms for schedules, see Creating a Hyperlink to a Form).

To create a hyperlink to a schedule:

  1. Display the Mimic that is to contain the new hyperlink. You need to display the Mimic in Design mode (see Displaying a Mimic).
  2. Either:



    • Use the Animations feature to create a hyperlink (set the PickParam value to the address of the Schedule and enter the PickType number that corresponds to the type of hyperlink you require). For more information, including a list of PickType numbers, see Using Animations to Create a Hyperlink.
  3. Save the Mimic.

When the Mimic is displayed in Run Mode, selecting the 'trigger' object will cause the 'target' Schedule to be displayed in a new window or in place of the currently displayed Mimic (depending on the type of hyperlink you have configured).

If you want to link to the Form of a Schedule instead of the graphical display, see Creating a Hyperlink to a Form.


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