Embed an X-Y Plot on a Mimic

You can embed X-Y Plots on your Mimics. Embedded X-Y Plots update in the same way as X-Y Plots that are stored as database items and provide similar advantages to embedded Mimics:

To embed an X-Y Plot on a Mimic:

  1. Display the Mimic that is to contain the embedded X-Y Plot. You need to display the Mimic in Design mode (see Displaying a Mimic).
  2. Select X-Y Plot in the Drawing command group on the Graphics Tab.

  3. Draw the outline of the embedded X-Y Plot by pressing the left-hand mouse button, and moving the cursor while keeping the left-hand mouse button pressed. The rectangle that is drawn is the space that will be occupied by the embedded X-Y Plot.
  4. Release the left-hand mouse button to display a browse window.
  5. Use the browse window to locate the X-Y Plot that you want to embed.
  6. Select the X-Y Plot that is to be embedded, then select the OK button to confirm.
    The browse window is closed and the X-Y Plot is embedded.


  1. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar).
  2. Display a Mimic in Design mode (see Displaying a Mimic).
  3. In the Database Bar, select the X-Y Plot that you want to embed and drag it onto the Mimic.
    A context sensitive menu is displayed.
  4. Select the Embedded X-Y Plot option to embed the X-Y Plot on the Mimic.

You can resize the embedded X-Y Plot by selecting it and dragging its sides. Similarly, you can reposition it by selecting it and dragging it to a new position.

You can edit the embedded X-Y Plot by double-clicking on it (see Editing an Embedded X-Y Plot). You can also access editing features by right-clicking on the embedded X-Y Plot to display a context sensitive menu (see Mimic Editing Features).


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