Fill Tab

The Fill tab contains the settings for fill colors. These are the colors that are shown within an object's boundaries. For example, the following shape has its fill color settings set to be a solid red:

If you look closely, you will see that the outline of the shape is black. This is because the outline color is defined on the Line tab—the Fill tab settings only apply to the inner part of an object.

For text boxes and buttons, the Fill tab settings apply to the background of the text box or button, not the text itself. The color of the text is defined on the Pen tab.

The Fill tab settings that are available vary according to the type of Mimic object you are editing. The possible Fill tab settings include:

  • Width—Use the Width spin-box to define the thickness of a line. This setting applies to pipe objects. When you increase the spin-box amount, the pipe becomes thicker; when you decrease the amount in the spin-box, the pipe becomes thinner.
  • Type—Use to choose the type of shading to be applied. There are several shading options, and the type of shading you choose will affect which settings are available in the Colors and Fill sections.

    The types include:

  • Flash—You can use the Flash section to apply a flashing effect to the Fill color.

    The Flash section contains these settings:

    For single color flashing effects, the Offset setting defines whether the flashing sequence begins with the Start color in view (on) or invisible (off).

  • Colors—You can use the Colors section to define the colors and shading:

  • Fill—Use the following settings to define the color and shading:

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    Geo SCADA Expert 2021