Local Variables (Registry Key Settings)

From Geo SCADA Expert 2019 onwards:

  • The location from which the REGISTRY function retrieves a value varies, depending on the type of client from which the function is triggered and the user that is logged onto that client. With ViewX and Virtual ViewX clients, the value is now stored in the registry of the User Account database item that is associated with the logged on user.
  • You can use the REGISTRY function if you are accessing the database as the Guest User or Super User, but with such users the value is only retained during the logged in session. These User Accounts do not retain and store the value.

For more information, see REGISTRY.

Local Variables are registry settings that allow Mimic display features to be altered without affecting the display on other PCs. For example, an operator can choose to hide a specific part of a Mimic—the Mimic object is only hidden on that operator's PC. Other PCs that are displaying the same Mimic are not affected by the operator's action.

In this section, we explain two common uses for local variables and registry settings:

These are just two possible uses for registry settings. Users with in-depth experience and knowledge of ViewX expressions will be able to use registry settings for many other purposes.

For more information, see Welcome to the Guide to Expressions in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Expressions.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021