Configuring a Pager Channel

Pager Channel database items are used to represent the physical connections between Geo SCADA Expert and the intermediate devices that relay the messages to the recipient pager devices and mobile telephones. The intermediate devices can be GSM modems, service centers (with which Geo SCADA Expert communicates via a PSTN modem), or a local Multitone PC interface device.

In Geo SCADA Expert, each Pager Channel has a configuration Form that contains a variety of settings. You need to configure the properties of the Pager Channel item in Geo SCADA Expert to match the settings that are supported by your communications equipment, including Baud Rate, Data Bits and Parity.

You need to configure at least one Pager Channel for each Pager Service, for example, if you have two TAP/UCP Pager Services, you will need to configure at least two PSTN Pager Channels; a minimum of one for each service.

The Pager Driver supports three types of Pager Channel:


Geo SCADA Expert 2021