Configuring a User Account's Pager Properties

For Geo SCADA Expert to send a message to a particular pager device or mobile telephone, it needs to be able to:

This information is stored in the configuration of the User account of the system user that is to receive the message (the 'owner' of the pager device or mobile telephone):

For each User that is going to receive messages on a pager device or mobile telephone, you need to:

  1. Create a User account or edit the existing User account (see User Accounts in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Security).
  2. Select the Contact Information tab.
  3. Enter the number of the relevant pager device or mobile telephone in the Pager ID field.
  4. Use the browse button to associate the User account with the appropriate Pager Service. If there are no suitable Pager Services available, you will need to configure one (see Configuring a Pager Service).
  5. Use the SMS Commands check boxes to define whether the User is authorized to execute actions via the devices with the corresponding Pager IDs.

    An incoming SMS message may contain an action. If the User is authorized to use SMS Commands (for the device on which the message was received) and their user account has sufficient permissions, they can execute the action.

    For more information, see Define the E-Mail, Pager, and Voicemail Contact Settings for a User.

    If an incoming SMS message has a number that is not associated with a user account, it is directed to the Guest user account. If the message contains an action, that action can only be executed by a Guest user if the Guest User account has SMS Commands enabled and the relevant permissions. The SMS Commands check box for the Guest User is on the Guest User tab of the Root Group Form (System Form). For more information, see Define the Global Settings for All Guest and Web User Accounts.

  6. Save the configuration (see Saving Configuration Changes in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration).

Each User account can have up to four Pager Contacts (a Pager ID and its corresponding Pager Service are referred to as a Pager Contact). This means that a single user can receive messages on a maximum of four pagers or mobile telephones.

When you have configured the Pager Contacts details for those users that are to receive pager and SMS messages, you can begin to send messages to them. Messages can be sent manually or automatically (see Sending a Message to a Pager or Mobile Phone).

Further Information

Pager Contact Details: see User Accounts in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Security.

Configuring a Pager Service.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021