Constraint Sub-Clauses

During the ‘Determine Sub-Clause Type’ phase of the optimization algorithm, the Query Processor identifies any constraint sub-clauses. The constraint sub-clauses in your query are used to limit the number of rows that need to be searched by the Query Processor. As they can significantly reduce the amount of data that has to be searched, constraint sub-clauses can have a major affect on the efficiency of your query.

The Query Processor identifies the constraint sub-clauses by looking in your query for sub-clauses that have the following characteristics:

In your query, you can apply one or more constraints to a single column. You can also apply constraints to multiple columns in the same table.

Constraint sub-clauses are not used to determine the access path even if they meet the requirements for an access sub-clause. Also, constraint sub-clauses are not added to a table’s filter condition.

When the Query Processor has identified the constraint sub-clauses in your query, it adds them to an internal list of constraints which is used later in the optimization algorithm.


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