
Use the AlarmBanner.GetFilterForSystem function to obtain a list of the alarm filter settings that are currently in force on the Alarm Banner. This information is useful for determining which collections and severities of alarm are accessible, or excluded, from the Alarm Banner. The filter settings that are in force on the Alarm Banner vary per ViewX instance and depend on several factors, such as whether:


AlarmBanner.GetFilterForSystem (System)


Lists the alarm filter settings that apply to alarms on a specified system, on the Alarm Banner from which the function is called.


System {string}

The name of the Geo SCADA Expert system (database) to which the alarm filtering applies on the Alarm Banner.



Filter {string}

Returns a list of the alarm filter settings that apply to alarms on the specified system, on the Alarm Banner from which the function is called.

To enable users to trigger the AlarmBanner.GetFilterForSystem function from the Alarm Banner, remember to use the AddMenuItem function to add a custom menu option to call the required script routine from the Alarm Banner's menu.


A custom menu option is to be added to the context-sensitive menu on the Alarm Banner, to enable users to view a list of the alarm filter settings that currently apply to that Alarm Banner. To facilitate this, the Root Group includes the following Global Script:

Public Sub BuildAlarmMenu

If AlarmBanner.SelectedAlarms.Count > 0 Then

AlarmBanner.AddMenuItem "View the Current Filter Settings","CurrentFilterSettings"

End If

End Function

Further script is used to determine the content that is displayed when users select the custom menu option:

Function CurrentFilterSettings

MsgBox "Current Filter Settings: " & AlarmBanner.GetFilterForSystem("Local")

End Function

When the custom menu option 'View the Current Filter Settings' is selected from the Alarm Banner's menu, a dialog box is displayed listing the alarm filters that are currently in force on that Alarm Banner.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021