
The NavigateOnHead application function is for use on a Multi-Monitor setup. It sets the script to open a display in an existing document window on another monitor. The target Window Container is represented by a specified head number (see Assign a Head Number to a Window Container in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Client Administration).

For example, you could create a script that causes an object property Form to display in a Window Container on another monitor. If there is no active document window in the target Window Container, a new document window will open.


App.NavigateOnHead Head, URL


The NavigateOnHead application function opens a display in an existing document window when executed. The target document window will be located in the Window Container that is assigned the specified head number.

If there is no active document window in the specified Window Container, a new document window will open to contain the display.


Head {integer}

The head number assigned to the Window Container in which the display will be displayed. Each Window Container is assigned a head number in the Startup Configuration File (see XML Elements).

URL {string}

The URL of the display that is opened. The target display can be a Mimic, Trend, Report, Form or any other type of display.

For Mimic scripts, the URL has to use the Geo SCADA Expert address format:

SCX:////<Class>/<Database Item>.

For Alarm Banner scripts, the URL has to use the Geo SCADA Expert address format:

SCX:////<System Name>/<Class>/<Database Item>

This is because the Alarm Banner is not associated with a system, and so any hyperlinks have to specify the system that contains the display that is to be shown in a new window.




This example displays a Mimic in an existing, active document window on the Window Container assigned a head value of 2:

App.NavigateOnHead 2,"SCX:////CMimic/.System Overview"


  • App. is the object being referenced
  • NavigateOnHead is the name of the application function being used
  • 2 is the head number assigned to the Window Container in which the Mimic will be displayed
  • "SCX:////CMimic/.System Overview" is the URL of a display, in this case, the 'System Overview' Mimic.

Further Information

Launch a ViewX Client on a Multi-Monitor Setup.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021