Mimic Functions and Properties

Mimic functions and properties allow you to create scripts that access Mimic features including navigation and Layers. Specifically designed for use in Mimic scripts, the Mimic functions and features cannot be used in Alarm Banner scripts.

To access the Mimic functions and properties, there are two types of object that you can reference in your script:

If a Mimic contains embedded Mimics within embedded Mimics, the TopMimic object relates to the Mimic database item that is on display (i.e. the Mimic that contains the embedded Mimics).

If you are creating a script for a Mimic that has no embedded Mimics, the TopMimic and Mimic objects will work in exactly the same way (as the top level Mimic and the Mimic containing the script are one and the same).

For more information on the various Mimic and TopMimic functions and properties, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.


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