Server and ServerObject Functions and Properties

The Server object has functions and properties that allow you to create a script that interacts with the database by reading or writing values or returning the names of specific database items. For example, you can use a Server function to set a script to read the value of a database point.

Server functions and properties are associated with the server object. However, some server functions return a ServerObject that has its own functions and properties which can also be accessed.

Server and ServerObject functions and properties can be used in Mimic scripts and also in Alarm Banner scripts (the server functions are available via the Server property of the alarm collection returned by the Alarms or SelectedAlarms property; the ServerObject functions are available via the Object property of the alarm collection).

For more information on the individual Server functions and properties, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.


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