Define the Area of Interest for Events Logged for a User

The properties described in this topic apply both to User Forms and User Pattern Forms. (User Patterns only apply to systems on which Geo SCADA Expert can create new User accounts automatically as part of an External Authentication process. For more information, see Create User Accounts from a User Pattern.)

You can use the User Form (or, if applicable, the User Pattern Form) to set the Area of Interest for any events that are logged for a User. The events that are logged for the user can then only be viewed by users that have access to the chosen Area of Interest.

By default, the events that are logged for a user’s activity are associated with the ‘World’ Area of Interest. Any events in the ‘World’ Area of Interest can be viewed by all users.

To restrict access to the events for a user, you need to:

  1. Remove the ‘World’ Area of Interest from the user’s Areas of Interest.
  2. Add other Areas of Interest to the user’s Areas of Interest. The events relating to the user’s activities will only be available to users who have access to the Areas of Interest you choose.


A User named ‘G Parker’ is configured to have the Area of Interest field set to ‘Eastern Region’.

A User named ‘M Elliot’ is configured to have the Area of Interest field set to ‘Southern Region’.

A User named ‘N Randle’ is configured to only have access to the ‘Eastern Region’ Area of Interest.

When ‘N Randle’ logs on, he can see the events relating to the activities of ‘G Parker’. However, he cannot see the events relating to the ‘M Elliot’ user. This is because ‘G Parker’ has its Area of Interest set to ‘Eastern Region’, but the events for‘ M Elliot’ are only available in ‘Southern Region’. ‘N Randle’ does not have access to ‘Southern Region’.

You can configure a User account so that its events are associated with any Area of Interest that exists in the database. To do this, you need to use the Area of Interest field.

The Areas of Interest field is only available on the User Form if the Areas of Interest feature has been enabled on the server (see Enable or Disable the Area of Interest Feature in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Server Administration).

To choose the Area of Interest that will be associated with the events that are logged as a result of the user's actions:

  1. Either:

  2. Select the General tab.
  3. Use the Area of Interest field toward the top of the tab to select the required Area of Interest. You can choose from any of the available Areas of Interest or leave the Area of Interest field empty. If you leave the field empty, events for the user will be associated with the default ‘World’ Area of Interest. By default, every Geo SCADA Expert user can view the events in the ‘World’ Area of Interest.

    If you choose an Area of Interest, the events logged for the user will only be available to users who can access that Area of Interest.

Further Information

Define which Areas of Interest a User can Access.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021