Provide Settings for Automatic User Creation


you can specify whether to enable automatic user creation on each Geo SCADA Expert User Group that is associated with a Windows domain group or LDAP user group. With automatic user creation, when a new user attempts to log on to Geo SCADA Expert via ViewX or Virtual ViewX, Geo SCADA Expert will attempt to locate a Windows domain (Active Directory) user or LDAP user with the user credentials that have been entered. If such a user exists in Windows/LDAP but not in Geo SCADA Expert, a new user account will be added to Geo SCADA Expert automatically, to correspond with the Windows/LDAP user account. As part of this process, Geo SCADA Expert applies various settings that are provided by the relevant User Group and its associated User Pattern for creating the new User account. Should the user be a member of more than one User Group, Geo SCADA Expert will use each User Group's Priority to determine which User Group settings it is to use for the new User account. Additionally, it will automatically populate the new User account's Windows/LDAP User Name field with the name of the Windows or LDAP user that was used to log on to Geo SCADA Expert and so resulted in the creation of that new User account.

To facilitate this:

Do not confuse Windows domain groups with Windows groups that only exist on the machine on which the Geo SCADA Expert server is installed (the 'local machine').

If you wish, you can configure Geo SCADA Expert to authenticate an existing Geo SCADA Expert User against a Windows user that only exists on the local machine. However, Geo SCADA Expert will not create a User automatically from a Windows user that only exists on the local machine (it will only do so from a Windows domain user).

Likewise, when performing automatic User Group membership updates Geo SCADA Expert will not consider Windows groups that only exist on the local machine. Any User Groups that are linked to local Windows user groups will be removed from externally authenticated Users during logon.


This topic explains the properties on the User Group Form that you have to configure to enable automatic user creation. To configure these properties:

  1. Display the User Group Form in ViewX.
  2. Select the User Group tab.
  3. In the Link to Windows/LDAP Group section of the tab:

    1. Select the Allow Automatic User Creation check box if this User Group is to provide settings for automatic User creation. If, as part of the external authentication process, Geo SCADA Expert determines that it needs to create a new User account automatically, it will identify the User Groups of which the new User is a member, including which of those User Groups are configured to provide settings for automatic User creation. If the user belongs to more than one such User Group, Geo SCADA Expert will use the settings that apply to the User Group that has the highest Priority (see below). It will then use the settings that apply to that User Group and its specified User Pattern for creating the new User account.

      The check box is only available for use if:

      (Clear the check box if this User Group is not to provide settings for automatic User creation. The rest of the fields associated with automatic User creation in the Link to Windows/LDAP Group section are 'grayed out' and unavailable for use.

    2. Use the User Pattern field to specify the full name (including the path) of the User Pattern that determines the settings that the new user account will be assigned in Geo SCADA Expert. Use the browse button next to the field to display a Reference browse window. The window displays a list of User Patterns that exist in the database. Use the window to locate and select the required User Pattern.
    3. Use the Create Users in Group field to specify the name of the Group or Group Instance within which Geo SCADA Expert should create the new User account. Use the browse button next to the field to display a Reference browse window. Locate and select the required entry from the window.
    4. Users can belong to multiple User Groups. Use the Priority field to specify which set of User Group settings Geo SCADA Expert should use to create a new User account if it determines that the new User belongs to more than one User Group. The priority determines which User Pattern Geo SCADA Expert uses for defining the User account settings, and the security permissions it assigns to that new User.

      Enter the required value in the range 0 to 255 inclusive, with 255 being the highest priority.

      We recommend that you configure the priorities to avoid ambiguity, by assigning a different priority to every User Group that is associated with a Windows Domain Group or LDAP User Group. If Geo SCADA Expert finds that the User belongs to more than one User Group with the same priority, it will determine which User Group settings it should use for creating that new User account.

    The Link to Windows/LDAP Group section of fields is only available on User Group Forms when the External Authentication feature is enabled on the server (see Using External Authentication with Geo SCADA Expert).

  4. Save the configuration.



On systems on which Geo SCADA Expert can Create users automatically from group membership, the incorrect assignment of security permissions on User Patterns and User Groups can compromise the security of the system. Always restrict the security permissions that are allocated to User Patterns, and to User Groups that are integrated with Windows domain groups or LDAP user groups. Only assign those permissions that are actually required, to help prevent the automatic creation of new user accounts that allow Windows or LDAP users to perform high-level tasks, such as shutting down the server.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021