Channels for Dynamically Assigned Ports

To create a channel for a dynamically assigned port:

  1. In Geo SCADA Expert, create a new channel of the relevant type and driver. For example, if a SCADAPack Modbus outstation has a direct connection to the remote computer's serial port, and then you need to create a new Advanced Modbus Direct Channel; if a PSTN SCADAPack Modbus outstation is used then you need to create an Advanced Modbus PSTN Channel.
  2. Name the channel appropriately, and configure its settings as described in the documentation for the relevant driver. For example, if you are configuring an Advanced Modbus PSTN channel, configure its settings as described in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the SCADAPack Modbus Driver.
  3. When configuring the channel, set the:
    • Connection Type to Remote Serial. This allows the port to be assigned dynamically.
    • Node Name to be the name of the computer on which you installed the port server software. This can be the name of the Geo SCADA Expert server or the name of the remote computer, depending on the type of port server setup you are using.
  4. If the port server is to be used for modem or port sharing, you should also:
    • Enable the Shared setting on every channel that will use the shared modem or port. To do this, select the Shared check box on the Connection tab of the Channel Form.
    • We suggest that you configure your channels to have alarms and severities. This will allow Geo SCADA Expert to raise an alarm if it detects a communications failure on a channel.

  5. Save the configuration.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021