Converting Unsupported Files into Supported Files

Database files are stored in a format that is version-specific (to accommodate the database items and properties that are supported by the particular version of Geo SCADA Expert software). Geo SCADA Expert clients can only display documents (such as Mimics and Trends) that have been created and saved using a version of Geo SCADA Expert up to, and including, the version that those clients are currently running.

If a user attempts to display a document that is incompatible with the version of Geo SCADA Expert software that is running on that user’s client, Geo SCADA Expert displays an 'Unsupported File Format' message. This indicates that the client PC is running an older version of Geo SCADA Expert than the client PC that was used to save the document. If this happens, you can use the Save All Documents feature to save the document in a format that can be used by the user’s client (and other clients that are running the same version of Geo SCADA Expert software).

You will typically only have clients that are running different versions of Geo SCADA Expert while you are in the process of upgrading the version of Geo SCADA Expert software that is running on your system. Particularly if the Server Emulation feature is not being used, or has been set to emulate a later version of Geo SCADA Expert software than the one that is running on the oldest clients.

If Server Emulation is enabled, you use the Save All Documents feature to save all documents in a format that is compatible with the Geo SCADA Expert version that the server is emulating. This will enable your clients to display documents such as Mimics, Trends, and Logic programs, as the version of Geo SCADA Expert that the server is emulating should be compatible with every client.

To convert unsupported files into supported files:

  1. Check that the server is set to emulate the oldest version of Geo SCADA Expert that is running on one of its clients (see Setting a Server to Emulate a Software Version).
  2. Log on to a client that is running a version of Geo SCADA Expert that is the same version (or later) as the version running on the server. Typically, it is easiest to log on to the client that is running on the server itself.
  3. Locate the following file in the Geo SCADA Expert software that is installed on the client:
  4. SaveAllDocuments.exe

  5. Run the SaveAllDocuments.exe program.
    The Save All Documents program runs and the Save All Documents window is shown.
  6. Use the Save All Documents window to select the required system and choose which types of document are saved in a compatible format:
    • System—Choose the system that contains the latest version of the server and the files that are to be converted.
    • Username—Enter the user name for accessing the selected system.
    • Password—Enter the password for accessing the selected system.
    • Select the check boxes for the types of documents that you want to convert:
      • Mimics
      • Trends
      • Logic
    • If you want the Logic programs to run again after saving, you should also select the Recompile Logic Programs check box.
  7. Select the Go button.
    The documents are saved in a compatible version and the Save All Documents window is closed. Users should now be able to display the documents on the clients that are running the older version of the Geo SCADA Expert software.

    During the save process, you can select the Abort button at any time to cancel the document conversion. If you abort the conversion, any documents that have not yet been converted will remain in their current format (and so may be unavailable on some clients).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021