Define the Settings for COM Ports and TCP/IP Connections

The COM port and TCP/IP connection settings define how Geo SCADA Expert reacts to a driver being unable to assign to a COM port or TCP/IP socket. They also define the number of conditions that can cause a channel (that is associated with a port/socket) to be deemed as failed.

When Geo SCADA Expert detects that a channel has failed, it raises an alarm (if configured to do so) and the channel de-assigns from the port or socket. After the specified time period, the driver attempts to re-assign the port or socket.

The default COM ports and TCP/IP Connections settings are usually appropriate, but you may need to change the settings if:

For more information on changing the COM port and TCP/IP settings, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021