Disable Automatic Database Backups on Upgrade

By default, when you upgrade the version of Geo SCADA Expert software that is running on your Geo SCADA Expert server, an automatic backup is made of your database (see Automatic Database Backup on Upgrade in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Installation). If required, you can disable the automatic database backup feature, however if you do so, you will not be able to downgrade to the previous version of software as easily, should you want to following a software upgrade.

To disable the automatic database backup feature, you use a registry key:

  1. Access and Run a Registry Editor.
  2. Use the Registry Editor to navigate to the following location on the server machine:
  3. Set the value of the UpgradeBackupEnabled registry key to:

    When set to 'False', an automatic database backup will no longer be generated when you upgrade the Geo SCADA Expert software on this particular server. Additionally, a warning message will appear in the 'Information' category of the Server Status Tool (see Information).

    We recommend that you consider re-enabling the database backup feature before you next upgrade the Geo SCADA Expert software on the server.

Enable Automatic Database Backups on Upgrade

You only need to perform this procedure if the feature to automatically generate a database backup on upgrade has been disabled and you want to re-enable this feature. We recommend that you consider doing this before you next upgrade the Geo SCADA Expert software on your server machines.

To re-enable automatic database backups on upgrade:

  1. Access and Run a Registry Editor.
  2. Use the Registry Editor to navigate to the following location on the server machine:
  3. Set the value of the UpgradeBackupEnabled registry key to:

    When set to 'True', providing that there is sufficient disk space on the machine, an automatic backup will be made of your database whenever you upgrade the Geo SCADA Expert software on the server.

  4. Check whether you need to perform the procedure on any other Geo SCADA Expert server machines.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021