Make the Archived Data Available for Use

You can make archived data available so that it can be viewed on Historic Trends and Historic Lists. This allows you to use the historic data that is no longer online. Making archived data available is referred to as 'mounting an archive'.

System administrators can:

Other users may also be able to make archived data available, depending on the privileges allocated to their user account.

To make archived data available:

  1. Check that the correct volume is available at the location defined in the configuration of the archive database item.

    If you are making archived data available on a hot-standby server, you will need to know which server you are currently using. If you make the archived data available on the wrong server, the data will be unavailable to the clients that need to have access to it.

  2. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar).

    Alternatively, access the archive item from a display that provides access, or any other item that provides access to the archive's Geo SCADA Expert Object menu (pick action menu).

  3. Right-click on the archive item.
    A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
  4. Select the Mount Volume option.
    Geo SCADA Expert determines what data is on the archive volume and makes it available for online use.

    You can view the progress of an archive operation by displaying the Archives List or Archive Status Display and examining the StateDesc entry.

    Once the archived data is available for use online, you can view the historic data on Trends and Lists.

Archived data is only available for use online while the archive volume remains mounted. Once you no longer require access to the archived data online you need to dismount that volume:

  1. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar).
  2. Right-click on the archive item that contains the data that you made available.
    A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
  3. Select the Dismount Volume option.
    The archived data is no longer available for use on Lists and Trends and the archive volume can be removed.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021