Manual Changeover without Server Shutdown

By using the Change Main Server action, you can perform a manual changeover without shutting down any of the servers in your server architecture. This is the recommended way of changing which server is Main as it means your system continues to run uninterrupted while the changeover takes place.

The Change Main Server action is available from any ViewX client that is connected to your system. So you can select it from a ViewX client that is connected to the server that is currently Main or from a ViewX client that is connected to a Standby server. However, you can only use the Change Main Server action if you log on via a User account that has the System Admin permission for the server.

To perform a manual changeover without shutting down any server in your system architecture:

  1. Log on to a ViewX client that is connected to your system (either the Main server or one of the Standby servers). You need to log on via a User account that has the System Admin permission.
  2. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar).

    In the Database Bar, either:

    1. Right-click on the system icon for the server that is currently Main.
      A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
    2. Select the Change Main Server action.
      The Change Main Server dialog box is displayed. When you select the Change Main Server action from the Main server icon, the Change Main Server dialog box has a Server Name combo box.

    3. Use the Server Name combo box to choose which of the Standby servers should become the Main server when the changeover takes place.
    4. Select the OK button to confirm your selection.
      The changeover takes place and the server that was Main becomes a Standby and the selected Standby server becomes Main.


    1. Right-click on the system icon for the Standby server (or one of the Standby or Permanent Standby servers if there are multiple Standby/Permanent Standby servers).
      A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
    2. Select the Change Main Server action.
      The Change Main Server dialog box is displayed. When you select the Change Main Server action from a Standby server icon, the Change Main Server dialog box has a Server Name text entry field.
    3. In the Server Name field, enter the name of the server that is to become the Main server when the changeover takes place.
    4. Select the OK button to confirm your selection.
      The changeover takes place and the server that was Main becomes a Standby and the selected Standby server becomes Main.


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