Point Quality Classifications

You can use the Quality Classifications feature to create point quality classifications. Each point in the database can be associated with one of the quality classifications that you create (by using the Quality Classification method for the point).

Usually, point quality classifications are used to indicate the reason for a point's data being of poor quality. For example, if a point is reporting bad quality data due to a failed component, the point could be associated with a 'Failed Plant' quality classification.


The Quality Classifications feature is used to add a 'Maintenance' classification.

During site maintenance, some points are associated with the 'Maintenance' classification. These points' values will be affected by the maintenance work. The points that are not affected by the maintenance work are not associated with the quality classification.

As the maintenance takes place, some points report values that are 'Bad' quality. By viewing the Quality Classification on the Mimics, the operators can determine which points are reporting values that are affected by maintenance work (and so are expected to report 'Bad' quality data temporarily), and which points are reporting values that relate to specific conditions at site.

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When you have created a quality classification, the Quality Classification pick action becomes available for points. You can use this pick action to associate a point with one of the quality classifications that you have created in the server configuration. When you have associated a point with a quality classification, you can use the point's Status display to view the quality classification value for the point. You can also include the quality classification value on Mimics, and so on.

You can use the Database Schema to find more information about the Quality Classification method (see Working with the Database Schema).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021