Driver Point Updates

One of the challenges of managing a SCADA system such as Geo SCADA Expert is making sure that overall point data processing activity levels are under control. This is important because the level of activity directly affects database locking, which can lead to performance issues if points are being updated too frequently.

The Database branch of the Server Status Tool includes a Driver Point Updates category. Use the Driver Point Updates category to view a list of the database points that have generated the highest number of updates in your database since the start of the current Count period. Use this list as a potential action list of points that might be 'noisy'. For example, points that might be configured to report data too often, or points that are connected to equipment that has electrical noise that is not being filtered by any persistence settings that exist in the outstation.

With any points that appear to be problematic, you should investigate the cause and take the necessary corrective action to address the issue. Various driver guides include sections that explain how to adjust the configuration of points that might be causing a high load on the server (the settings that might need adjusting vary per driver).

The Driver Point Updates category shows the top 25 most active points in the database. The list excludes non-driver points, such as Internal Points, Calculation Points, and Master Station Accumulators. The list of points and Count reset automatically every four hours; this should help you to determine whether any corrective action taken has had the desired effect. Any points that appear in the list, but are subsequently deleted from the database, will be marked as could not be found, but will only be removed from the list when the four hourly reset interval expires, or the system is restarted.

The information shown is as follows:

To view more statistical information about a particular point, view that point's Status display on a client (see Status Displays in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to ViewX and Virtual ViewX Clients). The Status display includes additional information, such as the point's Process Count (which resets separately to the above Count), Current Value, Current State, Previous Update Value, Previous Update State, and so on. For more information about the status attributes that are available from a point's Status display, see Status Attributes Associated with Points. See the driver-specific guides for information about any status attributes that are specific to that particular driver.

Further Information

Points on Simple Drivers: see Adjust the Configuration of any Points that Cause a High Load in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Simple Drivers.

Points on Advanced and Stand-Alone Drivers: some driver-specific guides include a 'High Load' topic within the 'System Analysis' branch of the guide.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021