Configuring Scanners on Simple Drivers

A Scanner is logical functionality that runs within Geo SCADA Expert. Each scanner scans one or more physical or ‘virtual’ points, using a particular protocol. For instance a Modbus scanner can be used to scan a register range within a Modbus PLC.

On a Geo SCADA Expert system, you typically use separate scanners to scan different points at different times, and so monitor or control the states or values of those points.

The type of data that Geo SCADA Expert obtains from each scanner and processes for use online varies, depending on the type of data that the scanner supports. For example, many scanners support current data—the present state or value of a point when the Geo SCADA Expert server requests current data from the scanner.

This section explains how to configure properties that are common to many types of scanner.

Before you configure a scanner in Geo SCADA Expert, carry out any necessary Preparation so that you can specify the appropriate properties for the scanner in the Geo SCADA Expert database.

You configure a scanner’s properties using the fields on the appropriate Scanner Form.

For many scanners on simple drivers, the Scanner Form has a combination of these tabs: Identification, User Methods, Alarm, Redirection, and Scanner.

This section explains features on the Scanner tab that are common to scanners on many simple drivers.

Use the fields on the Scanner tab to:

For information on the fields on the other tabs mentioned above, see Tabs That are Common to Many Configuration Forms.

The Forms for some types of scanner also include one or more driver-specific tabs. For information on such tabs, see the driver-specific documentation.

To display scanner details in List format from the Queries Bar, filter the constraints on the Point Sources List.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021