
Install Geo SCADA Expert server, Geo SCADA Mobile Server, or Virtual ViewX server software on computers that are using one of the following 64-bit operating systems:

Server Hardware

When you install Virtual ViewX server on a machine, ViewX is installed on that server. Whenever you connect to that server, ViewX runs on that server machine. As such, that instance of ViewX will make use of the graphical capabilities of that server machine, sharing the load with the CPU.

Desktop Hardware

For server installations, desktop class hardware is only suitable for small stand-alone Geo SCADA Expert client-server systems that are not intended to provide access to the database from either Virtual ViewX or Geo SCADA Mobile.

Use desktop class hardware for client computers, such as those that are running either ViewX, Virtual ViewX, Original WebX, or Data Access software.

The following operating systems are supported:

ATTENTION: Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 should not be used for servers with more than two clients. This is because the TCP/IP security measures in these operating systems can cause significant delays.

If you intend to provide access to the database from Geo SCADA Mobile, install the server software on server class computers with 64-bit operating systems.

Likewise, to run Virtual ViewX, the Virtual ViewX server and Geo SCADA Expert server computers have to run on server class hardware with 64-bit operating systems. (Virtual ViewX client computers also have to use 64-bit operating systems. The Virtual ViewX client computers also require an HTML-5 compatible web browser (see Web Browser Support).)

(To run only the Original WebX client, client computers require the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer 11. Other browsers are not supported.)


Geo SCADA Expert 2021