Upgrade Your Virtual ViewX Server

Virtual ViewX is supported by Geo SCADA Expert 2019 onwards. We strongly recommend that you install the Virtual ViewX server on a different machine to the Geo SCADA Expert server. This is to avoid potential performance issues due to the number of resources that each application uses.

If you do install Geo SCADA Expert and Virtual ViewX on the same machine, both applications must have the same version and build number. This is because the applications share some resources.

If you use Virtual ViewX clients, you should upgrade the Virtual ViewX server whenever you upgrade your Geo SCADA Expert server. (You will certainly need to do this if both server applications are running on the same machine.)

In order to run Virtual ViewX, all Geo SCADA Expert servers must be running Geo SCADA Expert 2019 onwards; they cannot be running older versions of the software, or be set to emulate older versions.

To upgrade Virtual ViewX:

  1. Obtain the required upgrade files.
  2. Ask users to refrain from using Virtual ViewX clients to access the database until you have finished installing the upgrade.
  3. If the Virtual ViewX server is installed on the same machine as the Geo SCADA Expert server, upgrade the Geo SCADA Expert server software first, followed by the Virtual ViewX server update. For information on doing this, refer to the section that describes your system architecture:
  4. If you have upgraded Geo SCADA Expert in addition to Virtual ViewX:
    1. Upgrade Your Geo SCADA Expert Clients (Original WebX Excluded).
    2. If applicable, Upgrade Your Original WebX Clients.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021