SOURCE Mandatory Value

The SOURCE section has to reside within the TRACE section in a TrendSpec definition (see Basic TrendSpec Structure). The SOURCE section has to have one mandatory value, <Source Name>.

SOURCE Mandatory Values

Mandatory Value



<Source Name>


Use to define the origin of the trace’s data.


‘Zone3.Point 3.Historic’

(For an ad hoc Trend that displays historic data for the point named ‘Point 3’. The point resides in the Group ‘Zone3’.)

The <Source Name> is case sensitive.

The <Source Name> is used internally within the TrendSpec definition, to provide the name of the source’s origin. The <Source Name> is not displayed in the Trend window. To display a label (name) for the source in the Key at the bottom of the Trend window, include either the Label or LabelExpr optional value in the TRACE section of the Trend’s definition (see TRACE Optional Values).

If required, you can specify one or more SOURCE Optional Values after the above mandatory value.

For Multiple Source Traces, the TRACE section has to include a separate SOURCE section per data source.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021