Trend Key

The Key is displayed at the bottom of the Trend display. It lists the traces that are shown on the Trend and provides information about the source of the trace (its values, category, and so on).

Trend Key

Each row of the Key provides information for one of the traces on the Trend. By default, the key displays information in four columns: Trace, Type, Ruler Value, and Axis. If your User account has the Configure permission for the Trend, you can use the Columns feature to display different or additional columns (see Define the Columns on the Key).

The predefined columns that can be displayed in the key include:

Embedded Trends on Mimics provide a subset of the features that are available on pre-configured Trends. You typically click (rather than right-click) on the main display area of an Embedded Trend in order to access that Trend's menu options. Embedded Trends do not support menu option access from the Trend Key. If access from Mimics to Trends with such menu options is required, consider configuring your Mimics to display the Trends in Inset Windows, for example, rather than as Embedded Trends.


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