Using Trends

Trends allow you to view the data from one or more database items in a graphical format. They are particularly useful for comparing the values of database points over a specific amount of time.

Trend showing 3 traces, one min, one max, one interpolated

Trends have two modes: Run mode and Design mode. To configure a Trend, you need to display it in Design mode (see Configuring Trends). To operate a Trend, you display it in Run mode. Run mode is the operational mode that provides access to the various Trend display tools and navigation features that enable you to view and compare data over time.

The topics in this section provide information about how to access, navigate and operate Trends in Run mode. For more information, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.

Embedded Trends on Mimics provide a subset of the features that are available on pre-configured Trends. You typically click (rather than right-click) on the main display area of an Embedded Trend in order to access that Trend's menu options. Embedded Trends do not support menu option access from the Trend Key. If access from Mimics to Trends with such menu options is required, consider configuring your Mimics to display the Trends in Inset Windows, for example, rather than as Embedded Trends.


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