YAXIS Mandatory Value

The YAXIS sections in a TrendSpec definition each require one mandatory value, <Y-Axis Name>.

Mandatory Value Type YAXIS Mandatory Values

<Y-Axis Name>


Use to assign a name to the y-axis.

The <Y-Axis Name> is used internally within the TrendSpec definition to associate a trace with its respective Y-Axis. As such, the <Y-Axis Name> in the TRACE section of a definition has to be identical to the <Y-Axis Name> in the corresponding YAXIS section.


‘Sensor Value’
(for a Y-Axis that indicates a sensor’s value)

The <Y-Axis Name> is not displayed in the Trend window. To display a label (name) for the Y-Axis, include either the Label or LabelExpr optional value in the YAXIS section of the Trend’s definition (see YAXIS Optional Values).

If required, you can specify one or more YAXIS Optional Values after the above mandatory value.

For Multiple Trace Ad Hoc Trends, you need to associate each TRACE section with an appropriate YAXIS section.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021