
If your user account provides access to the Favorites Bar, you can use Geo SCADA Expert's Favorites feature to store links to those displays that you need to access frequently. The links that you can store are not just limited to Geo SCADA Expert displays; you can also store links to external documents and web pages.

You might be asked to refrain from changing your Favorites while your Geo SCADA Expert system is in the process of being upgraded. For more information, see Upgrading Geo SCADA Expert.

The Favorites feature is user-specific; you can only see and access Favorites that you have added to the Favorites Bar yourself.

The Favorites feature is intended for use by operator-level users that do not have the 'Configure Documents' and 'Configure Database' security permissions. As such, documents such as Mimics and Trends display in Run mode whenever you access them as a Favorite. (This is regardless of the mode that applied when the documents were saved as a Favorite.)

For more information, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021