
Mimics are visual displays that provide a visual representation of plant, a geographical location, or a combination of information such as values for a variety of different items.

Mimics can combine symbols and text. Symbols are graphical items that represent database items, and may be used to indicate the state of physical devices.

Mimics can contain live data that is updated as the values in the database change. The live data is referred to as an ‘animation’. The animations can be text or numeric values or they can be represented by moving shapes on the Mimic. For example, a pump may change color to indicate whether it is running, or a piece of text may show whether the pump is healthy, or whether Geo SCADA Expert has detected a fault on the pump.

You can navigate a Mimic (magnify and display specific areas of a Mimic). You can also access actions via context sensitive menus, which include controls that allow you to manipulate the values of points, and options that you can use to manage alarms.

You can access a Mimic via the Database Bar in ViewX and Virtual ViewX, use the Database navigator in Original WebX, or via an Object Menu or hyperlink on another Mimic.

For more information on configuring and using Mimics, see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Mimics.

Further Information

Alarms on Mimics.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021