Understand the 'All Windows and Layout' Functionality
You can use the 'All Windows and Layout' option to save the layout of multiple displays (such as Trends, Mimics, Reports, and/or Lists) as a collective Favorite display (see Add a ViewX Display to your Favorites List). When you view the Favorite, each of the documents that make up the Favorite are displayed in their relative positions. This topic provides further information about how different scenarios affect the documents in an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite.

The Favorites feature is intended for use by operator-level users that do not have the 'Configure Documents' and 'Configure Database' security permissions. As such, documents such as Mimics and Trends display in Run mode whenever you access them as a Favorite. (This is regardless of the mode that applied when the documents were saved as a Favorite.)

Yes, you can include docked and/or floating windows in an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite. When you display the Favorite, the documents are shown as docked or floating, according to the format and window layout that applied when you saved the documents as a Favorite.
With floating windows, Geo SCADA Expert attempts to display the windows in the same relative positions that applied when you saved the documents as an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite.
With docked windows, Geo SCADA Expert attempts to replicate the order and window layout that applied when you saved the documents as a Favorite. This includes any window tab groups that applied at the time. When you display the Favorite, Geo SCADA Expert will adjust the dimensions of the docked windows so that they fit the proportions of the document display area in the ViewX window.

Yes, you can position floating windows within, partially overlapping, or completely outside of, the main ViewX application window and still include them in an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite.
When you display such a Favorite, Geo SCADA Expert attempts to display the floating windows in the same relative positions that applied when you saved the documents as an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite.

Yes, if a Mimic provides links to Inset or other windows and you display and arrange those windows, you can include all of the displayed windows as an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite. The exception to this is any windows that require high-level user access, such as a Mimic Script window, which will be omitted from the Favorite. This is because the Favorites feature is intended for use by operator-level users that do not have the 'Configure Documents' and 'Configure Database' security permissions. As such, documents such as Mimics and Trends display in Run mode whenever they are accessed as a Favorite.
When including Inset or linked windows in an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite, you have to select the 'parent' Mimic in order to gain access to the Add button on the Favorites Bar (the button is inactive while an Inset or linked window is the active window). Selecting the 'parent' Mimic does not affect the existing window arrangement—any floating, inset or linked windows that overlay the 'parent' Mimic retain their existing arrangement when you save the collection of documents as an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite.

Yes, if you position floating windows on different monitors, you can include those floating windows in an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite. When you display the Favorite, Geo SCADA Expert will take into account the monitor with which each document was associated when you saved the collection of documents as a Favorite. In doing so, Geo SCADA Expert will attempt to place the floating windows at the same relative positions and on the same monitors that applied when you saved the documents as a Favorite.
If the Favorite is accessed from a ViewX client on a computer that uses fewer monitors, Geo SCADA Expert will place any floating windows that would have appeared on a further monitor on one of the existing monitors (whichever is deemed to be the primary monitor). This may mean that some documents initially overlay other documents when the Favorite is displayed.

Yes, you can save documents as an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite on ViewX clients that have a Multi-Monitor Setup
When you display the Favorite, Geo SCADA Expert will take into account the monitor and Window Container with which each document was associated when you saved the documents as an 'All Windows and Layout' Favorite. When doing so, Geo SCADA Expert will attempt to place any floating windows at the same relative positions and on the same monitors that applied when you stored the documents as a Favorite.
If fewer monitors are available when you display the Favorite, Geo SCADA Expert will place the Window Containers and floating windows that would have appeared on further monitors on one of the existing monitors (whichever monitor is deemed to be the primary monitor, according to the Startup Configuration File). This may mean that some documents and Window Containers initially overlay other documents and Window Containers when the Favorite is displayed. (If further monitors subsequently become available, Geo SCADA Expert will rearrange the Window Containers based on the set of available monitors. The exception to this is any floating windows, which will remain unmoved, regardless of the Window Container with which they are associated.)

No, the displays that are stored as Favorites are user-specific. You can only see and access Favorites that you have added to the Favorites Bar yourself. If your user account only enables you to display one ViewX document at a time, you will only be able to use the 'Current Window Only' option to add a display to your Favorites (providing that your user account provides access to the Favorites Bar).

Virtual ViewXis restricted to displaying Favorites within the browser window. Virtual ViewX can display Favorites that comprise multiple documents, although the initial positioning of those documents might be impacted by the size of the browser window. As such, some documents might initially overlay other documents when the Favorite is displayed.