Configure the Virtual ViewX System Connection

When you add or edit a system connection, you use the Client Configuration window to configure the Virtual ViewX system settings. The following are the main settings that are required to enable the Virtual ViewX server to connect to a Geo SCADA Expert server. For more complex configuration you can access the Advanced section.

For properties not mentioned in this guide, see Edit an Existing ViewX Client - System Connection in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Client Configuration.

Do not specify a Workstation Name on a Virtual ViewX server. If a Workstation Name is specified, all Virtual ViewX clients that attempt to connect to the Virtual ViewX server will be assigned the same Workstation Name. As a Workstation Name has to be unique per system, attempts made by other clients to connect using the same Workstation Name as a client that is already connected will be rejected. As such, Workstation Names only apply to ViewX clients (as opposed to Virtual ViewX clients).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021