Wonderware Historian Export

This topic only applies to points and accumulators for which historic data is, or has been, exported to Wonderware Historian or AVEVA Insight (formerly Wonderware Online).

Associated with: All points and accumulators in Geo SCADA Expert with Historic data enabled.

Security permission: Configure.

Use the Wonderware Historian Export attribute to find out the Wonderware Historian tag name for the selected Geo SCADA Expert point or accumulator. There is one Wonderware Historian Export attribute for each Wonderware Historian database item that is configured to export the point's or accumulator's historic data. This is because the tag names could be different for each Wonderware Historian item. This could occur if:

The attribute is only displayed for a point or accumulator that is configured to have its historic data exported using a Wonderware Historian database item. Initially, Geo SCADA Expert will show '<No Tag>' for the tag name until it exports the first historic data for the selected point or accumulator. You can therefore use this attribute as an indication of whether or not Geo SCADA Expert has exported any data for the selected point or accumulator.

If you delete a Wonderware Historian database item, then Geo SCADA Expert will delete the relevant attribute from all points and accumulators.

A user can rename or move a point or accumulator in Geo SCADA Expert after HCAL creates the Wonderware Historian tag for it. In this situation, the tag name will not match the Geo SCADA Expert database item's current name unless you use the RenameTag method to realign the two names.

Each Wonderware Historian Export attribute shows the following information on two lines:

There is a blank line between each export entry.

Further Information

Information and examples of how the tag name content differs, depending whether the Prefix and Aggregate Name Suffix are used: see Wonderware Historian Tags.

Specify to which external historian application(s) a point's or accumulator's historic data is to be exported: see Define the Historic Export Details.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021