Configure the Historic Data Resampling Settings

The data that is shown on an X-Y-Z Plot trace comprises processed historic data—values that result from a calculation that Geo SCADA Expert has performed on the source's raw historic data. You can specify the amount of data that Geo SCADA Expert includes in each sample of raw historic values that it uses in its calculations. You do this using fields in the Time Axis Properties window (see Configure the Time-Axis Properties).

Use the Data Resampling section of the window to configure these properties:

Combinations of sample time and offset time can result in interpolated points changing their plotted values as the time axis is scrolled. If the Offset time is less than or not a multiple of the Interval time this can result in interpolated points changing their plotted values as the time axis is scrolled. This can be avoided by ensuring that the Offset time is the same as the Interval time or greater in multiples of the Interval time.You should select an interval time that has a relationship to the sampling time of the original data.


The Time axis for an X-Y-Z Plot includes the following configuration:

The Range settings specify that the X-Y-Z Plot is to include processed historic data values for a two-hour period, starting from the beginning of the last hour.

The Data Resampling settings instruct Geo SCADA Expert to calculate the data values at five-minute intervals, with sampling starting from 3 minutes before the start of the first hour that is shown on the X-Y-Z Plot.

At 14:28, the X-Y-Z Plot's Time axis shows that the Plot includes data for the time period 13:00 to 15:00 (the two-hour period that starts from the beginning of the previous hour).

The processed historic values shown on the X-Y-Z Plot have occurrence times of 13:02, 13:07, 13:12, and so on (as defined by the Data Resampling settings).

You can specify the quality of the raw historic data that Geo SCADA Expert includes in its calculations. You specify this on a per data source basis (see Specify the Quality of the Values that are to be Shown on the Trace).

Further Information

Specify the Algorithm that is used to Process the Source's Historic Data.

View Information about a Particular Data Value.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021