DNP3 Event Polls

This section applies to outstations that support DNP3 Level 2 only.

In addition to Class Polls (see DNP3 Integrity and Data Classes), the driver is capable of issuing DNP3 Event Polls for specific binary, analog, counter, and/or string events. For most point types (other than String points), there are device attributes that indicate whether the outstation supports events for a particular point type. For example, ID:237 for binary input events (see Numeric List of DNP3 Outstation Device Attributes).

Configure DNP3 Event Scanning using the fields within the Event Scanning section of the DNP3 Outstation Form.

Configure the Scan Group Intervals that are associated with each type of event, using the Scan Groups fields on the DNP3 Channel Form.

Whenever an Event Scan Group timer expires, the driver requests that the outstation sends, in chronological order, the events that are associated with that point type.


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