Define the Delay Between PSTN Call Attempts

Use the Delay Between Call Attempts field on the PSTN tab to specify the delay that is to occur between the Slave attempting to call its master with alarm data, and the Slave making another attempt to dial out to its master, if the previous attempt and its retries fail.

Should the initial dial out attempt fail, the Slave will retry the call for the number of times specified in the Retries field. If the call is still unsuccessful, the Slave will wait for the time specified in the Delay Between Call Attempts field, before attempting the to contact its DNP3 master again.

Specify the required delay in the OPC Time Format. You can enter the value directly in the field, or use the Interval Window (accessed via the field’s browse button) to specify the required offset.

(For further information on the Retries field, and the other fields on the PSTN tab that are common to PSTN outstations on many advanced drivers, see Define an Outstation’s PSTN Properties in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Advanced Drivers.)


Geo SCADA Expert 2022