Specify the DNP3 Event Object Types

A Geo SCADA Expert DNP3 Slave outstation is capable of buffering changes to point values and states. The outstation can send these buffered events to its DNP3 master either in an unsolicited message, or in response to a request from the DNP3 master.

The format in which the Slave outstation sends its buffered events is specified using a DNP3 Event Object.

For each type of point that is associated with a DNP3 Slave outstation, you need to assign a Filtered Value Map (see Define the Filtered Value Map Locations). For each point type that is assigned a Filtered Value Map, use the fields within the Event Objects section of the DNP3 tab to define how the DNP3 Slave outstation formats and presents the event data for those points, to the DNP3 master.

Geo SCADA Expert ignores the Event Objects of any point types for which Filtered Value Maps are not configured.


Geo SCADA Expert 2022