Specify the Frequency with which Communications Statistics are Updated

Use the fields within the Communication Statistic Updates section of the tab to define how often the communication statistics are updated for the VT Port. You can view the statistics on the port’s Status display.

With either field, you can enter the required value directly in the field, or use the Interval Window (accessed via each field’s browse button) to specify the required interval or offset.


The Communication Statistic Updates settings for a VT Service Port Master are configured as:

Interval: 1M
Offset: 30S

If the time is currently 00:00:00, the next Communications Statistics update will occur at 00:00:30, followed by another update at 00:01:30, then another update at 00:02:30, and so on, at 1-minute intervals offset to 30-seconds past each minute.


Geo SCADA Expert 2022