Upload File
Associated with: DNP3 master outstations
Security permission required to access this pick action: Retrieve Data
Use the Upload File pick action to upload any file from a Slave outstation to its master. You can use the pick action whenever the master is in communication with the Slave.
Select the Upload File pick action to display the Upload File window. The content of the window varies, depending on the File Transfer Variation supported by the outstation (see Specify Which File Transfer Routines an Outstation Supports).
Where an outstation supports the Revised g70 Variations of File Transfer routines, the Upload File window includes these fields:
- Source Filename—Use to specify the full path and name of the file that Geo SCADA Expert is to upload from the outstation.
- Destination Filename—Use to specify the file to which Geo SCADA Expert is to write on the current main Geo SCADA Expert server.
The file has to reside in the folder (or a subfolder within the folder) that is defined using the Server Configuration Tool (see Define the DNP3 Master File Transfer Parameters).
Use the Destination Filename field to specify the relative path and filename of the file at the above location.
The folder to which files from DNP3 outstations are uploaded on the current main server is set to:
C:\ProgramData\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA\Database\DNP3\Master
To upload a file to the following location:
C:\ProgramData\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA\Database\DNP3\Master\My Folder\My File.txt
You set the Destination Filename to:
My Folder\My File.txt
Where an outstation supports the Legacy g70v1 File Transfer variation, the Upload File window includes a single Filename field. Use the field to enter the name of the file that you want to upload, and then select the OK button to perform the upload.
The location to which the file is uploaded is specified as part of the Geo SCADA Expert Server Configuration (see Define the DNP3 Master File Transfer Parameters). The file will be uploaded to that location on whichever Geo SCADA Expert server is currently the main server.
The DNP3 outstation may impose filename restrictions on the files that it holds. See the outstation documentation regarding such restrictions.
The folder on the main server into which files are uploaded from DNP3 outstations is set to:
An operator selects the Upload File pick action on a particular DNP3 outstation, and specifies the filename:
On execution of the pick action, Geo SCADA Expert uploads the file thisfile.txt
from the DNP3 outstation, to the server location C:\ClearSCADADB